Khaled Dodin
Khaled Dudin is the point of contact to GEO Tek TCOM Integrated System, Investors and UH PBCP. He is a decorated combat medic (bronze star, purple heart and war on terror ribbons recipient), and 82nd Airborne veteran who was also an interpreter for ranking US Military in Afghanistan and Iraq including General Mad Dog Mattis, in Fallujah during the middle east conflict. Mattis until recently was the former Secretary of Defense of the US under President Trump. Khaled first visited PBCP in 2013 while working and monitoring the development of Michael Lurveys’ technology at the University of Hawaii that was undergoing continuous development, testing and improvements at that time. Mike’s technology has since been reviewed by third party experts and with a key component pf his technology having been patented.
Khaled is also the Director of Caravan Aloha LLC, a Dun & Bradstreet listed company, as an active US federal government Central Contractor Registry Company located in the California North Valley. Caravan Aloha LLC, brings the best of California and North American products and services to the markets of MENA and SW Asia. Khaled is also leading program for veterans business and enterprise development and has expanded his business and veterans enterprise development to the pacific where he brings markets and opportunities for investments and financing to support Pacific micro solutions led by military and first responder veterans to meet global and local challenges. Khaled’s technical assistance and support will serve veterans of any nation who served honorably with an interest in raising the common good in their communities.